Executive Education
Colonel Larsen is internationally recognized for his leadership
and expertise in developing and conducting executive simulations.
These range from two-day events using sophisticated video and computer
aided injects, to half-day, traditional tabletop exercises.

Shockwave was a scenario exercise developed for Securing America's
Future Energy (SAFE) and the National Commission on Energy Policy.
Senior former government officials participated in a series of
Principals meetings of the Cabinet to advise the President on response
options to a series of events that affect world oil supplies. The
purpose of a simulation was to provide participants and observers
with an opportunity to think through simulated crisis situations--in
this case involving oil supply disruptions--and to discuss solutions
to problems posed as part of the scenario. [View
Oil Shockwave video.]

Atlantic Storm was a one-day executive simulation that examined
the response to a biological attack on Western Europe and the United
States. Participants included Madeleine Albright (former US Secretary
of State), the former Prime Minister of Poland, former Minister
of Health of France, former Director of the World Health Organization
and eight other current and former senior political leaders from
Europe. There were 12 participants and 150 observers including
BBC, ABC, NPR, Washington Post, NY Times, LA Times, AFP and others
from the European press corps. (January 2005)
[Read about
it] [Watch
BBC video clip] [Listen
to NPR story]
Atlantic Storm–The Home Front
Atlantic Storm–The Home Front was a half-day executive
simulation that recreated Atlantic Storm with a domestic focus
for the Chairman and 27 other Members of the House Homeland Security
Committee. (March 2005)
Guardian Eagle
Guardian Eagle was a two-day audience interactive
simulation for the 300 attendees at the McGraw-Hill Homeland Security
Summit and Exposition in the Washington DC Convention Center that
included missile attacks on airliners, hijacked ships (LNG tanker
and cruise ship), attacks on chemical facilities and an attack
with a contagious pathogen. Sponsors included: Northrop Grumman,
Honeywell and Lucent Technologies. (June 2004)
Terminal Risk
Terminal Risk was a one-day, no-notice executive
simulation that examined the capability and readiness of the Environmental
Protection Agency's Senior Scientist Response Team. There were
30 participants. (March 2003)
Crimson Winter
Crimson Winter was a one-day executive simulation
that examined the threat of a major attack on the US food supply.
Participants included the Deputy Secretary of Agriculture and the
Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services. There were 25 participants
and 30 observers. (January 2003)
Silent Vector
Silent Vector was a two-day executive simulation
that examined the threat of attacks on US energy and petrochemical
infrastructure. Participants included former Senator Sam Nunn,
Jim Woolsey (former Director of the CIA), Bill Sessions (former
Director of the FBI), Admiral James Loy (Deputy Secretary, Department
of Homeland Security) and former Governor James Gilmore (R-VA).
There were 16 participants and 75 observers. (October 2002)
Crimson Sky
Crimson Sky was a one-day executive simulation that
examined the threat of a major attack on the US with Foot and Mouth
Disease. Participants included Senator Pat Roberts, theGovernor
of North Dakota, the Lt Governor of Nebraska, the Secretary of
Agriculture and many senior members of the Interagency Deputies
Committee including the Deputy FEMA Director and Deputy EPA Administrator.
There were 75 participants and 50 observers. (September 2002)
Dark Winter
Dark Winter was a two-day executive simulation that
examined the threat of a major smallpox attack on the US. Participants
included former Senator Sam Nunn, David Gergen (former advisor
to four Presidents), Jim Woolsey (former Director of the CIA),
Bill Sessions (former Director of the FBI), and Governor Frank
Keating (R-OK). There were 14 participants and 80 observers. (June
2001) [Read
about it] [Watch NBC News video clip]